
Forsyth/Forsythe Family History

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Date: [unknown]
Location: Scotland, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Forsyth Forsythe
This page has been accessed 4,532 times.

Here is a general page for organizing information related to the last name Forsyth/e or any other spelling of the name. I just adopted this page (early 2021) and have been making corrections and additions. Most of what I have is from the US, but I welcome information from other countries and corrections or additions to what I've already added. Marsha

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Clan Forsyth Wiki Page

Clan Forsyth Please go to this page to learn more about the ancient history of the Clan

One Name Study Project

Forsyth name Study

Origin of the Surname

The surname Forsyth (Forsith, de Forsith, and other spellings) is first found in 12th century Scotland.

In George Frasher Black's book, The Surnames of Scotland, he suggests that the origin of the surname is two-fold.

  1. From a place of that name due to the frequency the name appears in the old Scottish records with the prefix “de”.
  2. From the old Gaelic personal name Fearsithe, meaning ‘man of peace". He goes on to say that by Gaelic speakers the name is sometimes pronounced Forsay (for-sigh).

Another legend suggests a Norman called Forsach.

For a more in-depth study on the origin of surnames, please visit the the Forsythe Y-DNA project page. Forsyth YDNA Project

DNA Projects

There are 2 DNA projects you might want to check out and join.

  1. Y DNA - for all males who carry the Forsyth surname. Females may participate by recruiting male Forsyths in their family to particiapte. Family Tree DNA
  2. Gedmatch Ancestors project. Forsyth Ancestry Gedmatch

Forsyth/e Genealogy Research

There are many books, websites, and online trees, where you can find information on Forsyth genealogy. Keep in mind that if these books, websites or trees, do not provide proper source citations, they may be fiction. Use them as hints until you can verify.

One set of books published by Frederick Gregory Forsyth, is an example of many facts not supported with evidence. Use these books as hints, but confirm the facts. Also see False Histories

Learn more about what makes a good source from Family Search A Checklist of Compiled Sources and Where to Find Them

Check out the WikiTree List of Scotland Sources:

Common Mistakes in Research

  1. Often times you will find a record that you assume is yours since the husband and wife have the names you are looking for, but you need to verify, verify, verify. Example. James Forsyth married Lydia Huls, but another James Forsyth married another Lydia. They are often confused. But James and Lydia Huls married in Indiana and lived in Indiana in 1850. while the other James and Lydia lived in Georgia.

Clan Forsyth Societies Around The World

Active Clan Forsyth Societies are found in the US, New Zealand and Australia. Please visit their websites to learn more. Members share Forsyth genealogy information, general knowledge of the history of Scotland, Ireland, and countries where Forsyth immigrated.

Geographic Locations of Forsythes / Forsyth

The Forsyth or Forsythe surname is found all around the world. Early records are found in Scotland and Ireland with many immigrating to the US, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Peru and Venezuela.

In the US you can find them in all 50 states, Many earlier settlers were found in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, and Ohio.

Early Immigrants - North America "Here before 1850"

See list Forsyth Name Study

Immigrants after 1850

  1. James McDonald Frosyth Arrived 1910 and settled in Florida. Related to the earlier immigrant William Wordsworth Forsyth (we have YDNA)

Early Immigrants - Australia

Early Immigrants - New Zealand

Forsyth/es on WikiTree

Here is the updated Forsyth index and Forsythe Index . If you are a Forsyth and add yourself or an ancestor your addition will be on the list tomorrow morning.

Forsyths Killed in Military Conflicts

  1. Peter William Irvine Forsyth Killed at the Battle of Somme 23 October 1916

Forsyths accused of Witchcraft

  1. Jonet Forsyth11 November 1629 witch trial.
  2. Gawin Forsyth16 December 1630 Witch trail
  3. Agnes Forsyth13 September 1649 Witch Trial

Notable Forsyths

  • Rev. Alexander John Forsyth (1768-1843) from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was a pioneer in the development of modern firearms and his work led to the invention of the percussion lock in 1806.
  • Lieut Charles C. Forsyth Helped Survery Western Australia about 1820 giving rise to "Forsyth's Leap"at Denmark in the South and Forsyth River in the North West. Clan Forsyth Australia
  • Frederick mcCarthy Forsyth CBE born 25 August 1938, English novelist and jouralist, best known for his novels; The Day of The Jackal and The Odessa File. Frederick Forsyth Wikipedia
  • Harold Winston Forsyth. Ambassor of Peru to the U.S. 2022-2014 and other countries.Wikipedia profile accessed 17 July 2022
  • Isaac Forsyth Book seller in Elgin, Moray Scotalnd and founding member and director of the Elgin Musuem. Brother of Joseph Forsyth found below.
  • Joseph Forsyth Scottish schoolmaster who spent much of the Napoleonic era imprioned in France. He wrote, "Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters". Brother of Isaac Forsyth, found above.
  • Joseph Sill Forsyth Joseph Forsyth and Andrew and Ezekiel Simpson (Forsyth and Simpson Arcadia mill) built one of the earliest sawmills in West Florida. Located near Pensacola, this water-powered mill was producing over 250,000 board feet of lumber per year (an average of seven hundred board feet per day) by the mid-1830s. By the end of the decade the mill sent out an average of over 900,000 board feet of lumber per year.
  • Robert Forsyth (1754-1794) The First U.S. Marshal of Georgia and the first U.S. Marshal killed in the line of duty. ' In May 2016 The U.S. Marshal’s Office sent a formal request to Alistair Forsyth of that Ilk asking for permission, which was granted, to adopt the Ancient Forsyth tartan as the official tartan of the United States Marshal Service Pipes & Drums Band. See video of the band:
  • Samuel Douglas Forsyth. Born about 1780, maybe in Virginia, USA. in 1807 was living in Louisanna, but by 1815 was living in Venezula and working as a doctor for Simon Bolivar. profile to be added soon. Hispanic American Historical Review May 1968 Accessed 17 July 2022
  • Thomas Forsyth (1771-1833) Illinois frontiersman who served as a U.S. Indian Agent for the Sauk and Meshwaki (Fox) prior to the Black Hawk War.
  • William Forsyth (bef 1737-1804) From old Meldrum, Aberdeen, Scotland. A Scottish botanist, who the Forsythia plant/flower is named for.

Places In The U.S. Named Forsyth/e

Forsyth, Monroe, Georgia, It is 60 miles south of Atlanta, GA and 24 miles from Macon, Georgia, and was established in 1823. It was John Forsyth who was an eminent politician and son of Robert Forsyth the US Marshal who was killed in Georgia. John later became the governor of Georgia. Forsyth, Monroe, GA

Forsyth County, Georgia Just north of Atlanta, Georgia. It was established in 1831. It was named for John Forsyth who was governor of Georgia from 1827 to 1829. [Forsyth County, GA

Forsyth County, North Carolina Winston-Salem is the largest city in Forsyth County. It was established in 1849 out of part of Stokes County. It was named for Benjamin Forsyth, a respected Stokes County landowner and American hero. Forsyth County, NC

Forsyth, Macon, Illinois is located in central Illinois, Macon County. The town's size is about 2 square miles, near Decatur, Ill. It was established in 1854 and named for Robert Forsyth, the first general freight agent of the Illinois Central Railroad.

Forsyth, Taney, Missouri located on the shores of the White River, was established in 1837 and it was also named for John Forsyth, Politian, Governor of Georgia, US Secretary of State, and son of Robert Forsyth, US Mashall. Forsyth, Taney, MIssouri

Forsyth, Rosebud, Montana Located in a valley along the banks of the Yellowstone River. It was established in 1880 and named for General James W. Forsyth. Forsyth, Rosebud, MT

Forsyth Township, Somerset County, Maine Lies on the northern border of Maine and Canada. It was named for O.F. Forsyth, general agent for a mining firm in the area.Forsyth Township, Maine

Places in New Zealand Named Forsyth

Forsyth Island Lies in the outer Marborough Sounds of New Zeland's South Island. Forsyth Island

Lake Forsyth a lake on the south-western side of Banks Peninsula in the Canterbury region of New Zealand, Lake Forsyth

Places in Australia Named Forsyth

Forsyth Island, part of the Passage Group within the Furneaux Group, is a 167-hectare granite island, located in Bass Strait south of Cape Barren Island, in Tasmania, in south-eastern Australia.Forsyth Island Australia

Forsyth, Etheridge Queensland A small rural town. Population in 2016 was 129. Forsyth, Queensland

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If you know a Forsyth/e or a place named Forsyth/e that should be added to this page, please let me know.
Hi Marsha, another place is Lake Forsyth in New Zealand.

posted by Kerryn Forsyth

Categories: Family Histories